Is Gov Fayemi a sane mind ?

Is Gov Fayemi a sane mind? The difference between a man who drinks and a man who thinks “I can’t because of politics cancel the Gifted Academy in Afao Ekiti, I can’t demolish the flyover and the new Governor’s Office built by the past administration, I can only improve on them and that is what governance is all about. “The projects of this state belong to the generality of Ekiti people and not to the governors and every government must neither abandon them nor allow them to be destroyed just because they are not the initiators,” ...Dr Kayode Fayemi .............................. Gov Fayemi walks his talks He made these statements 2018 The post above was made by me made public
by me in Nov 5 2018 And he lives up to them all Only a genius of incomparable quality of mind can say and abide with these. These statements can only surge out of a confirmed nationalists, an agrarian patriot , a generational thinker, a collaborative leader who is billed to rule a nation. Dr Kayode Fayemi is the best! Signed Wale Ojo- Lanre Usi - Ekiti


  1. But he can stand to destroy democracy through his partisan policy. Anyway Fayemi is just a sadist and failure to the state, how could he be paying for the democratically political office holder that only deflected to his party for their backlog of salaries and entitlement


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