Wanle Akinboboye ,President , La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort again this year ?
Yes oo Dr Wanle Akinboboye has clocked another year on Earth Again this year Every day is a glorious day for the genius. Happy New Year to an enigmatic soul. A rare pedagogy. A collaborative father and leader. A stupendous reformer of stinking souls. A refurbisher of condemned fellows. A repairer of ' jammed' life. A man with an infectious aura of strange positivity of whoever goes to him with nothing will go out from him loaded A solid thinker. A stoker of talent. A minter of gold from junk. A man who brings out genius from dark idiot - Alatunda!!!!!!! A complicated labyrinth of creativity feats. An unpredictable son of man. Proactively resourceful. A man of yesterday has gone today must be new ' ojo kan, ara kan'. To him, no one is useless and everyone is a genius The owner of a humongous umbrella which accommodates the sane, the insane, the wise, the prudent, the fool, but all exist in a super form better than they came. ...the fool became wise...