What i learned about Green Growth and Tourism in a Belgian University

What I learned at Belgian University about Green Growth and tourism By Wale Ojo-Lanre, Wednesday 1 October, 2014 @uhasselt, THE fear that the tourism sector would suffer more f rom environmental degradation and pollution the Hasselt University, Belgium inaugurated the first-ever Green Growth and Travelism Summer School held at its Diepenbeek Campus, between 25 and 29 August 2014. Taking cognisance of the essence of tourism to human existence about maintaining a sane environment, Hasselt University, Belgium stoked its summer school by announcing a five-day intensive certificated course for top-notched tourism buffs, teachers, stakeholders, media practitioners, aviation gurus and ecological students from all over the world. Luc De Schepper, Rector of Hasselt University explained the purpose why the Summer School was organised, “The first Summer School with specific focus on sustainable mobility and biodiversity, is being organised by the Transportation Research Institute, Hassel...